Smukke plakater fra Linie Linje

Sponsoret / I samarbejde med Linie Linje!

Jeg har været så heldig at modtage disse 4 smukke plakater fra Linie Linje. Jeg syntes plakaterne er så fine og jeg er vild med de enkelte og stilrene linjer der passer perfekt ind i mit hjem! Nu skal jeg bare have fundet ud af hvor de skal hænge 🙂

Kawasaki relaunch!

Sponsored/ In collaboration with KAWASAKI 

I remember back in my start teens I absolutley loved these shoes, and even had them in different colors. So when I heard about them relaunching and got the chance to get a pair of the new models, and tell you guys about them I was genuinely really exited! And let me tell you… Still as comfortable as back in the day!

Blue dress

Blue open-back summer dress. I bought this blue dress on Asos last summer (its their own brand) and it’s really been one of my favorite dresses ever since. Everyone knows I’m not really one to wear a lot of color, but I really love this marine-blue 🙂

Madonna for british Vogue june cover

I love these black and white pictures of Madonna taken for her british vogue for an interview she did for their june issue. She did the interview talking about motherhood and ageism related to her 60th birthday. You can read the interview HERE 

I have to be honest and say that I’m not such a big fan of Madonnas ‘newer’ music and how she is now, but i do loove her older music (especially the American Life album) And what ever you think of her, if you like her and her music or not, I think that we can all agree that she’s a legend.